
Free Internet Explorer VM's on

You may lament the fact that it’s silly that both Firefox and Chrome support more of Microsoft’s operating system, than they do themselves.

Or that it’s bad design that their browser is so deeply engrained in the system that it’s very hard to run more than 1 version in paralel, but at the very least the beast from redmond is trying to improve the situation for web developers such as you and I.

Since about a year Microsoft launched On this website they host virtual machines for every internet explorer + windows combination.

Separate appliances are provided for VMWare Fusion, Parallels and the open source VirtualBox.

Best of all, it’s free.

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  • Mark van der Velden

    Free, yes. But it certainly isn't hassle free. The images expire after 30-or so- days. It's still useful, but it's only nice for the occasional test run and then you need to re-download the (rather large) images.