
Installing SabreAMF

A simple guideline to install SabreAMF on your computer

First, check if you have all the required software on your machine, basically this is PHP 5 (preferably a recent version) and PEAR.

You can check if you have PEAR installed by running the pear command

pear version

If you had bad luck, it might also be outside your default path, for example: if you have php installed on windows in C:\php5 you could try

C:\php5\pear version

If PEAR is not installed at all, follow the instructions from: the pear manual.

Next, download the most recent version of SabreAMF. At the point of writing this is 0.1.1498. The files can be downloaded from

Now, open op a console (CMD in windows) and go to the path where you downloaded the .tgz file. Then, type in:

pear install SabreAMF-0.1.????.tgz

This should be done with administrator permissions

Thats all!

Update: Updated download link

Web mentions


  • andric


    i want to know why i can't download it. i wanted to check it out and i can't find it anywhere.

    thank you
  • Evert


    You are totally right, the download link on this page is outdated and I will update it as we speak. Sorry for the trouble.
  • nico socha

    nico socha

    great site design.
  • maysun


    I'm having a little trouble installing SabreAMF. PEAR is installed properly, but when I browse to where I downloaded the .tgz file from the command line and type "pear install SabreAMF-latest.tgz", the command line returns an error saying 'pear' is not a recognized command. Is there another way to install SabreAMF? Also, after I get it installed how can I test it to make sure it works properly?

  • Evert


    From the looks of it you are on linux..

    The easiest thing you can do is to simply extract the archive:

    tar xfvz SabreAMF-latest.tgz

    in your working directory, or a directory thats included in php's ini setting include_dir.

    You can safely delete the package.xml thats being extracted.