
Auto detecting Blog Services

For FileMobile We have a system that allows people to blog about media they uploaded or stuff they found in the community

To make it easier for people, we want to autodetect the URL to the services, where this is possible. There are different ways to do this. First, for the Atom API there's the in the html header. (

The second method is Really Simple Discovery. A spec for this can be found on:

The latter makes it easy to find API url's for the Blogger, Atom, MetawebLog API and the MovableType api.

Using these systems it can be easy to setup a tool where users can fill in their url, and detect which API they support and how to reach it..

I mocked up a testscript that demonstrates this at: So try it out if it works for you. If it doesn't.. drop me a line so I can find out what went wrong. If its working properly i will probably donate it to the open source.

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