PHP Application Structure
One of the first things you do when you create a PHP application, is to create a good directory structure.
Many people have their own way of doing things and this is good. The most important thing is that people take the time to think of a good way to do stuff.
Today I'll share mine. I'm not saying this is the best way of doing stuff, this is simply a system that worked well for me.
Here's my main listing:
- lib/
- conf/
- resources/
- index.php
As you can see, I only have 3 directories, each with a specific purpose, and I'm always using a single index.php which handles all the requests.
This is where my class libraries go. All the classes are in a PEAR-structure, this means: 1 class per file, and the file/directory maps exactly to the classname, for example:the class Services_MetaWebLog can be found in lib/Services/MetaWebLog.php
There are a few good reasons why this is a good way to structure your classes:
- Many systems already use this structure, so if you need foreign libraries (from PEAR, Solar or whatever) you usually can just copy-paste their classes in your structure
- It allows you to easily find certain classes
- It allows a pretty cool __autoload() function
- If you are using subversion, you can easily include other projects libraries with the svn:externals keyword
This is the `__autoload` function, in case you need it. It's a bit simplified, but you'll get the point.
function __autoload($classname) {
require_once 'lib/' . str_replace('_', '/', $classname) . '.php';
This is where global application configuration goes. In my case its usually a settings.xml with for example the database DSN.
Another tip is to put you apache configuration here. You can easily create a symlink to your /etc/apache2/sites-enabled . This way you can keep your apache configuration near to your applicaton. If you use Apache1, simply do an Include to this file.
This is where I put all the static stuff (I guess static would also have been a good name). My sub-directories tend to look like this:
- css/
- templates/
- images/
- js/
- swf/
Good luck!
Ade •
Good stuff Evert!deciacco •
can you put up what your index.php file looks like?thanks!
pradeep pathak •
Thanx , but we in our organisation develop non class based PHP applications so can u help me to kno whats the best structure for this kind of application.Ragards Pradeep
Evert •
The few smaller non-OOP based sites i've done.. I tend to simply have a pages directory, with php scripts for every url.The index.php starts an output buffer, loads those scripts and loads a template.php
For anything bigger than a small site, my approach is usually OOP so my answer to that would simply be.. give it a shot =P
Ryan •
i like, thanks for sharing!Puglia •
Simple but very important concept! very good, tnxOle •
Thanks for a great article. I'm new to the whole OOP and application stuff. Just done some minor stuff earlier. This setup really looks promissing, and I will without a doubt try it out that way for my own little "teach myself OOP" project.Btw, anyone think that a tiny framework is a good way to learn OOP?
- Cheers
Snowcore •
@Ole:I recommend you Zend Framework, it has a really beautiful OOP code!