
Using JSX on the server as a template engine

The React/Next.js ecosystem is spinning out of control in terms of magic and complexity. The stack has failed to stay focused and simple, and it’s my belief that software stacks that are too complex and magical must eventually fail, because as sensibilities around software design change they will be unable to adapt to those changes without cannibalizing their existing userbase.

So while React/Next.js may be relegated to the enterprise and legacy systems in a few years, they completely transformed front-end development and created ripple effects in many other technologies. One of many great ideas stemming from this stack is JSX. I think JSX has a chance to stay relevant and useful beyond React/Next.

One of it’s use-cases is for server-side templating. I’ve been using JSX as a template engine to replace template engines like EJS and Handlebars, and more than once people were surprised this was possible without bulky frameworks such as Next.js.

So in this article I’m digging into what JSX is, where it comes from and how one might go about using it as a simple server-side HTML template engine.

What is JSX?

JSX is an extension to the Javascript language, and was introduced with React. It usually has a .jsx extension and it needs to be compiled to Javascript. Most build tools people already use, like ESbuild, Babel, Vite, etc. all support this natively or through a plugin. Typescript also natively supports it, so if you use Typescript you can just start using it without adding another tool.

It looks like this:

const foo = <div>
  <h1>Hello world!</h1>

As you can see here, some HTML is directly embedded into Javascript, without quotes. It’s all syntax. It lets you use the full power of Javascript, such as variables and loops:

const user = 'Evert';
const todos = [
  'Wash clothes',
  'Do dishes',

const foo = <div>
  <h1>Hello {evert}</div>
    { todo => <li>todo</li>)}

It has a convention to treat tags that start with a lowercase character such as <h1> as output, but if the tag starts with an uppercase character, it’s a component, which usually is represented by a function:

function HelloWorldComponent(props) {

  return <h1>Hello <span>{}</span></h1>


const foo = <section>
  <HelloWorldComponent name="Evert" />

Anyway, if you’re reading this you likely knew most of this but it’s important to state that this are all JSX features, not React.


JSX probably has it’s roots in E4X (and more directly XHP). E4X was a way to embed XML in Javascript. E4X has been supported in Firefox for years, and was a part of ActionScript 3 onwards, but there’s a major conceptual difference between E4X and JSX.

With E4X you embed XML documents as data, similar to defining a JSON object in a Javascript file. After defining the XML document you can manipulate it. A fictional transpiler for E4X could (as far as I can tell) could just take the XML structure and turn it into a string and pass it to DOMParser.parseFromString(). In E4X there are no variables, functions, components, or logic. Similar to how a Regular expression is part of the JS language.

JSX is quite different to this. It’s fully integrated in the language and it effectively compiles down to nested function definitions. These functions are don’t get turned into HTML until they are called by some render function. Before this they are defined but not evaluated.

So while E4X and JSX share that they both make XML/HTML first-class citizens in the language, the goals and features are wildly different. JSX really is a DSL.

JSX Transpiled

Lets turn the previous example into Typescript, and see what Typescript does with it:

function HelloWorldComponent(props: { name: string }) {

  return <h1>Hello <span>{}</span></h1>


const foo = <section>
  <HelloWorldComponent name="Evert" />

By default, Typescript will turn it into this:

function HelloWorldComponent(props) {
    return React.createElement("h1", null,
        "Hello ",
        React.createElement("span", null,;
const foo = React.createElement("section", null,
    React.createElement(HelloWorldComponent, { name: "Evert" }));

Now, there’s definitely a react dependency here, but in recent versions of Typescript, we can configure it to use a different ‘factory’ for JSX. By setting the jsx and jsxFactory settings in tsconfig.json, we can get Typescript to output more generic code:

function HelloWorldComponent(props) {
    return _jsxs("h1", { children: ["Hello ", _jsx("span", { children: })] });
const foo = _jsx("section", { children: _jsx(HelloWorldComponent, { name: "Evert" }) });

So what’s _jsx? This is a ‘jsx factory’ function that can be provided by React, but also a number of other libraries such as Preact or Solid.js. It’s also relatively easy to create your own.

What’s interesting then about JSX is that while it’s syntax, it’s not always clear what this yields:

const foo = <h1>Sup!</h1>

Because what’s in foo depends on what JSX Factory was used during transpiling. This is frustrating because it requires out of band information and external configuration, but also a benefit because it opens the doors to alternative implementations.

Using JSX as a template engine

When generating HTML on the server with Node, it’s pretty common to use template engines such as EJS or Handlebars. When building a new (multi-page) web application, it occurred to me that neither are quit as good as JSX.

Some of the advantages of JSX are:

  • Deep IDE/Language server/intellisense integration, because it’s all syntax.
  • Static type checking with Typescript.
  • It also enforced correctly structured HTML. No way to forget to close an element.
  • By default dynamic data is escaped. They made it challenging to get unescaped HTML!

This had me wondering, can we use server-side microframeworks such as Koa, Fastify or Express but instead of string-based template parsers and get all the benefits of JSX?

Turns out the answer is, yes! It’s not only pretty simple to implement, it works exceedingly well.

I’ve implemented this pattern 3 times now for different frameworks, here’s some sample code that works:


Here’s an example of a small controller:

import Router from 'koa-router';

const router = new Router();

router.get('/foo.html', ctx => {

  ctx.response.body = <h1>Hello world with JSX in Koa!</h1>;


As you can see here we can set JSX straight on the body property. A middleware ensures this gets transformed into HTML.


Similar to Koa, we can use JSX instead where otherwise HTML strings would be used:

import { FastifyInstance } from 'fastify'

export function routes(fastify: FastifyInstance) {

  fastify.get('/hello-world', request => <h1>Sup Fastify!</h1>);


How does this magic work?

For both of these I used the React library. Despite it’s ecosystem being rather bulky, standalone React is still pretty lean and highly optimized.

For both of these frameworks, I simply created a middleware that checks if the body is a React node, and if so use React’s renderToStaticMarkup to do the transformation before the response is sent.

Koa middleware

import { renderToStaticMarkup } from 'react-dom/server';
import { isValidElement } from 'react';
import { Context, Middleware, Next } from 'koa';

export const jsx: Middleware = async(ctx: Context, next: Next) => {

  await next();

  if (isValidElement(ctx.response.body)) {
    ctx.response.body = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' + renderToStaticMarkup(
    ctx.response.type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8';


This is how it’s used:

const application = new Koa();

Fastify hooks

This one needed a few more hacks, but the result is worth it:

import { onSendHookHandler, preSerializationHookHandler } from 'fastify';
import { isValidElement } from 'react';
import { renderToStaticMarkup } from 'react-dom/server';

 * The preserialization hook lets us transform the response body
 * before it's json-encoded.
 * We use this to turn React components into an object with a ___jsx key
 * that has the serialized HTML.
export const preSerialization: preSerializationHookHandler<unknown> = async (_request, reply, payload: unknown) => {

  if (isValidElement(payload)) {
    reply.header('Content-Type', 'text/html');
    return {
      ___jsx: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' + renderToStaticMarkup(payload as any)
  } else {
    return payload;


 * The onSendHookHandler lets us transform the response body (as a string)
 * We detect the ___jsx key and unwrap the HTML.
export const onSend: onSendHookHandler<unknown> = async (_request, _reply, payload: unknown) => {

  if (typeof payload==='string' && payload.startsWith('{"___jsx":"')) {
    return JSON.parse(payload).___jsx;
  return payload;


To use the hook:

const fastify = Fastify();

// These 2 hooks allow us to render React/jsx tags straight to HTML
fastify.addHook('preSerialization', jsxRender.preSerialization);
fastify.addHook('onSend', jsxRender.onSend);

Using Preact or your own factory should also totally work here.

Limitations to this approach

Users of React and other frameworks may be used to pulling in data asynchronously and updating their document. This approach only allows for a single pass, so this means that all dynamic data to your JSX templates needs to be fetched in advance and passed down as props.

This means no hooks or state.

To me this is an advantage because the paradigm it replaces is regular templates, and with those the data is typically also passed in ‘at the top’.

It would certainly be possible to implement Suspend and allow for asynchronous data fetching or wait for other signals, but I haven’t yet needed this.

Frequently asked questions

How do you handle routing?

The short answer is: you don’t. Routing is already handled by your framework, and each route/endpoint/controller is responsible for rendering it’s entire page.

To reuse things like the global layout, you use components. A slightly fictionalized example of a page for us looks like this:

ctx.body = <PublicLayout>

    <h1>Welcome back!</h1>
  <form method="post" action="/login">

      <input type="email" name="email" required minLength={10} />
      <input type="password" name="password" required minLength={4} />
    <button type="submit">Log In</button>


This in effect ‘inherits’ from PublicLayout, which looks like this:

type Props = {
  children: JSX.Element[]|JSX.Element;
  className: string;

 * This is the main application wrapper, shared by all HTML pages.
export function PublicLayout(props: Props) {

  return <html>
      <title>Sprout Family</title>
      <link href="/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
      <script src="/js/utils.js"></script>
    <body className={props.className}>
      { props.children }



Is there still a reason to use Handlebars or EJS?

I think one benefit of these template languages are they they are their own isolated format with limited capabilities.

This is helpful when for example you build an application and let your own users edit templates. Perhaps you for example have a ‘welcome email’ and want to let your users/tenants modify it.

Giving them the full power of a Javascript + a DSL that needs to be transpiled might be a negative here, because limiting features makes it easier to evolve systems and there’s also a major security component.

My template engine of choice for these is probably handlebars or even the more limited variant mustache.


Hope this was interesting. If there’s interest in turning my Koa and Fastify code into real NPM packages, let me know! Happy to do it if there’s a non-0 number of users.

In the future I might even be interested in developing my own JSX Factory that allows awaiting for async components.

If any of this sounds interesting, you have a scathing critique or found punctuation in the wrong place, you can leave a comment by replying to this Mastodon post.

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