
WebDAV features that might be useful for HTTP services.

While WebDAV is no longer really used as the foundation for new HTTP services, the WebDAV standard introduced a number of features that are applicable to other types of HTTP services.

WebDAV comprises of many standards that each build on the HTTP protocol. Many of the features it adds to HTTP are not strictly tied to WebDAV and are useful in other contexts. And even though it ‘extends’ HTTP, it does so within the confines of the HTTP framework, so you can take advantage of them using standard HTTP clients and servers.


WebDAV adds 2 HTTP methods for moving and copying resources. If you were to stick to typical HTTP/REST semantics, doing a move operation might imply you need several requests.

GET /source <-- retrieve a resource
PUT /destination <-- create the new resource
DELETE /source <-- remove the old one

One issue with this approach is that it’s not an atomic operation. In the middle of this process there is a short window where both the source and destination exist.

If an atomic move operation is required, a typical solution might be to create a POST request with a specific media-type for this, and this is a completely valid solution.

A POST request like that might look like this:

POST /source HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/vnd.move+json

  "destination": "/destination"

The WebDAV MOVE request looks like this:

MOVE /source HTTP/1.1
Destination: /destination

Both the MOVE and COPY request use the Destination header to tell the server where to copy/move to. The server is supposed to perform this operation as an atomicly, and it must either completely succeed or completely fail.

Using POST for this is completely valid. However, in my mind using a HTTP method with more specific semantic can be nice. This is not that different from using PATCH for partial updates. Anything that can be done with PATCH, could be done with POST, yet people tend to like the more specific meaning of a PATCH method to further convey intent.

Sometimes it’s required to do complex queries for information on a server. The standard way for retrieving information is with a GET request, but there’s times where it’s infeasable to embed the entire query in the url.

There’s more than one way to solve this problem. Here’s a few common ones:

  1. You can use POST instead. This is by far the most common, and by many considered the most pragmatic.
  2. Create a “report” resource, expose a separate “result” resource and fetch it with GET. This is considered a better RESTful solution because you still get a way to reference the result by its address.
  3. Supply a request body with your GET request. This is a really bad idea, and goes against many HTTP best practices, but some products like Elasticsearch do this.

If you are considering option #1 (POST) you’re opting out of one of the most useful features of HTTP/Rest services, which is the ability to address specific resources.

However, you are giving up another feature of GET. GET is considered a ‘safe’ and ‘idempotent’ request, but POST is neither.

If that last issue is something you care about, you might want to consider using REPORT or SEARCH instead. The requests and response bodies could identical if you were to use POST, but these methods are both idempotent, and safe.

Note that the rfc’s above focus on WebDAV semantics and XML requests and responses. However, I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with defining your own (json-based?) media-types and semantics.

The If header

HTTP has a bunch of headers for conditional requests. Specifically, these are:

  • If-Match
  • If-None-Match
  • If-Modified-Since
  • If-Unmodified-Since
  • If-Range

WebDAV defines another header for conditional requests that’s much more powerful: If. It can do the same as If-Match and If-None-Match, but adds a number of features on top.

Here’s some examples of If and their equivalent If-[None-]Match headers:

If-Match: "foo-bar"
If-None-Match: "foo-bar"

If: (["foo-bar"])
If: (NOT ["foo-bar"])

This doesn’t seem much like a benefit, but If can do more. For instance, it’s possible to make a request conditional on the etag state of a second resource.

The following PUT request only succeeds if the etag on /resourceB equals "foo-bar".

PUT /resourceA HTTP/1.1
If: </resourceB> (["foo-bar"])

A specific example where this is useful might actually be the earlier mentioned COPY and MOVE operations. Because those methods affect resources not specified in the request-URI, you might want to check the etag of both the source and destinations to avoid conflicts.

COPY /source HTTP/1.1
Destination: /destination
If: </source> (["etag1"]) </destination> (["etag2"]).

Another possibility is to validate against 2 etags with “OR”.

PUT /foo
If: (["etag1"]) (["etag2"]).

Another possibility is to use AND, although in this example this would always fail:

PUT /foo
If: (["etag1"] ["etag2"]).

Conditions on custom flags

There’s another feature that’s very powerful. In every previous example we always made our requests conditional on ETags. HTTP itself also allows conditions based on the Last-Modified header, but that’s really it. The If header allows for conditions on your own custom flags & extensions.

The following is a purely fictional example, but imagine that we have a “user” resource, and that user has a flag indicating whether or not they paid for a service.

This flag could be expressed as a uri. For example, Note that this uri doesn’t actually need to ‘work’. You could use a urn:uuid: or even gopher:// if you wish.

The following PUT request would only succeed if the user has paid:

PUT /foo
If: </user/234> (<>).

This example is a bit contrived, but I tried to find a simple one. The underlying idea is that conditional requests can sometimes be useful, and ‘ETag’ is not always the best way to express certain states on the server.


I’m not sure yet it’s a good idea to use these features for HTTP or RESTish services, because it kind of breaks the principe of least surprise.

However, they provide useful semantics that the base specs don’t have a perfect answer for.

I’m not sure yet how to weight these trade-offs, but at least it’s interesting.

What didn’t make the list

  • The MKREDIRECT method to create new redirects on the server.
  • The LOCK and UNLOCK method to lock resources.
  • BIND and UNBIND for implementing a ‘hard-link’ type of feature.

Web mentions